Students and visitors using the Wheaton College gymnasium (now called Adams Hall) in the early nineteenth century were required to sign a card with the following stipulations:
1) The Gymnasium is for the benefit of students of Wheaton College and others.
2) It will be open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. of each school day in the Fall, Winter and Spring terms, and at such other times as may be arranged.
3) The fee for students will be $1.00 per term: for non students, $2.00 per term. If paid for the year in advance, for students, $2.50: for non students, $5.00.
4) Baths will be accessible during the hours when the Gymnasium is open. Members using them will furnish their own soap and towels.
5) The dress will be, for men, dark blue sweater with orange W on breast; grey trousers, black Gymnasium shoes and belt: for women, dark blue blouse waist and Turkish trousers trimmed in orange; black stockings and shoes. The suit must be used when in class work.
6) No persons will be allowed to practice except as assigned by the Director, and perfect order must be maintained in the building. Tobacco may not be used in buildings or on College grounds.